KittyKatrinaKat's Profile


Joined on May 9, 2018
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
6-Year Club
100 Quiz
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KittyKatrinaKat's Recent Posts

  • Somehow i am alive
    "Delilah bolted down to the ground and Alex sounded displease "jeez warm me first""
  • Somehow i am alive
    ""should we try to catch him? And interrogate him him?""
  • Somehow i am alive
    "Delilah made a growling sound in thr back of her throat_ obviously displeased with almost being attacked. Alex looked behind them "is that o..."
  • Somehow i am alive
    ""Holy Moly that was close...You ok Deli?" The dragon nodded but steered her sight to the creature"
  • Somehow i am alive
    "Alex heard something behind them, he glanced behind him quickly "what is that? Come on Delilah" he steers her a bit higher"
  • Somehow i am alive
    "Alex sighed softly with a frown, of course he would be patrolling where they think danger lurks, he cant complain thi at least he has Delila..."
  • Somehow i am alive
    "You can"
  • "Ive been afk cause of stuff"
  • Somehow i am alive
    "Name: Alexander Age: 25 Gender: male Appearance: shoulder length black hair, blue eyes, pale skin tone Abilitys:(if "
  • Somehow i am alive
    "Sorry i was afk for a bit"
  • Somehow i am alive
    "Yea sure"
  • Somehow i am alive
    "Which do you want?"
  • Somehow i am alive
  • Somehow i am alive
    "Dowsnt matter to me"
  • Somehow i am alive
    "You can make one"

KittyKatrinaKat's Recent Quiz Comments
