cece246's Profile


Joined on May 30, 2015
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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cece246's Recent Posts

  • Guys i'm back
    "Lol ik how you feel G2G Got s--- to sort out"
  • Guys i'm back
    " OMFG My house is so big i got lost going to the loo -lol- but i found out i have my own bathr"
  • Guys i'm back
    "Yes Maruicea Lancashire is where i am. *asks sadly* Is there a problem with that?"
  • Guys i'm back
    "Savage: message me on quotev please Hey y'all how are ya? Le1F: Who's maddie???"
  • Guys i'm back
    "I missed Y'all SOOO MUCH "
  • testing testing
    "Ye i'm all over the globe Sorry brownie Guys i'll make a new thread"
  • testing testing
    "Lol late post and thanks c: Please follow mee on quotev : cece246 my pro pic is off google i chose it cause it kinda looks like me Bez"
  • testing testing
    "no i USED to live in wales i move to Atlanta 3 monthes ago then went to Lancashire"
  • testing testing
  • testing testing
    "Please don't hate on me"
  • testing testing
    "I moved from Georgia,Atlanta to Lancashire,England"
  • testing testing
    "#Late post lol"
  • testing testing
    "*sigh* I walked straight into that one! I was away because i moved countries and my wifi was not working, I was on 2 days ago but i br"
  • "*last"
  • testing testing
    "Hey i'm back And don't ask why i was away for so long"

cece246's Recent Quiz Comments
