Pokemon which one are you

Please feel free to drop a subscriber bomb on my youtube channel, emerald gamer with a city pic and like the videos please. Now this is not the most accurate pokemon test here but hey.

This is free advertising for the channel, so please subscribe. As you may be aware I have no pokemon videos as we speak but one is in the process of me making it.

Created by: emerald gamer
  1. Do you like friends
  2. are you up to suspicious activity
  3. are you a boy or girl
  4. do you like ash or not
  5. which is your favorite team
  6. in the indigo league what episode had tentacruel
  7. do you like cats
  8. what is the first pokemon tv show
  9. what did mewtwo come from
  10. last question what is misty's main pokemon type

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Quiz topic: Pokemon which one am I
