Pokémon Village - Kayle St Eeveelution Quiz 2

There are many different Pokémon and the are many different people but What pokemon most suits you? Or what Eeveelution suits you the best now you can find out! According to the Eeveelutions from the Pokémon Village at Kayle St.

The Eeveelutions from Kayle st all have different personalitys so why don't you find out who suits you the best. Asta, Yue, Krissy, Olive, Sinje, Evan, Lilli, Melody and Spring Will all ask you 2 questions each remember to be honest!

Created by: Jarred Katherl
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Asta: Let's keep the first question simple, what is your favourite flavour of food
  2. Krissy: Who make a better couple *Winks at Olive* Olive: *Looks at Krissy blankly*
  3. Yue: NUT NUT NUT!!! How tall you!?
  4. Olive: around how many books do you think you've read?
  5. Lilli: What is (8x8 - 7x9) + 19 = ?
  6. Evan: ummm.... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. I wonder why I evolved into a Vaporeon.....? .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... .... .... Wait is that my question!?
  7. 15. Sinje: do ya have a crush.. *edges towards Krissy* Krissy: Moron! * shoves Sinje into a unknown Espeon*
  8. Melody: What is you favourite kind of music? Krissy: Worse question EVER!!! Melody: WHAT?!?!?!! *5 minutes later of Fighting* Krissy: MELODY SMELODY!!!
  9. Spring: Who'd make a better girlfriend for my little bro, Olive? Olive: Spring.....
  10. Asta: What is your favourite movie genre (type of movie)?
  11. Krissy: What is my real name..?
  12. Yue: Banana or Nutty or earwax Krissy, Asta, Melody and Lilli: eww yuck! Sinje: hee hee. Uh yuck?
  13. Olive: What is you're favourite holiday? Krissy *Smiles at Olive*
  14. Evan: ... ... ... ... ... The wind is so gentle ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Lilli: Evan? Evan: * blushes* oh my question... ... ... If you were a Eevee and you were given and a water stone, a fire stone, and thunder stone what would take ... ...?
  15. Lilli: I bet you didn't notice I switch with Evan! Anyway my question.. What is the worst thing you've done
  16. Sinje: Out of the following what is your favourite Game? And do you think Kris- Krissy: I'LL ICEBEAM YOUR FACE!!!!!! Sinje:Erk!
  17. Melody: Finally my turn again! Krissy: Your turn stinks! Like you! Melody: *Shoves Krissy away* Olive: Ow! Why'd you do that?! Krissy: *Blushes* S-S-sorry Olive... Olive: Oh no, not you, I meant stupid Melody! Melody: SHUT UP!!! Anyway... What is your favourite kind of cake?
  18. Spring: What is your favourite season? Asta: Mmmm... cheesecake...

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