piggy book 1 quiz

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this quiz is just the whole piggy book 1 story, nothing from book 2, BUT there will be a piggy book 2 quiz, promise, but i might be a bit lazy to do that lol, pls read the rules(credit ricelthericegirl for the rules!)

rule 1: be truthful. rule 2: always read informative paragraphs. rule 3: rate quizzes at all times. rule 4: comment if you see mistakes (not the results like saying it's not true). rule 5: comment your results at all times. rule 6: always like a quiz if you like it. rule 7: read the last paragraph.

Created by: berrytotzmydog of check out pls
(your link here more info)
  1. ok, first, you need to read the informative paragraphs B:D
  2. startin of the story, you are looking for georgey, then you see piggy near her house, she looked like a monster, what do you do? you:*______________*
  3. before you could do anything else, piggy captures you and smacks your head, you fell u n c a u t i o u s, then you woke up at the bedroom, what do you do? you:*_____________*
  4. you drived to the police station, then you called for help, there was someone who answered, you had to meet him in the garage, what do you do? you:*_____________*
  5. then you ran out of gas, and surrounded by monsters, and the only safe place is that nearby gallery, whatcha gonna do?
  6. 4 weeks later...you say that the munsturs are you're friends, ya go to sleep, doggy drank a potion and became a monster,what are u gon' do
  7. this walkie talkie tells u to meet mr.potatohead in the sewers and rescue bunny, will u accept?
  8. u feel sick, then u go to the hospital, mr.potatohead had left you and bunny behind, what are ya gonna do?
  9. bunny gonna turn into a monster, you have to leave her behind by train, you arrive at the carnival, answers pls:
  10. at this particular room, you meet 2 survivors, zizzy and pony, you make friends with them and lead you to the safe place.
  11. while going to that safe place, you got trapped in a city, you got out with the other 2, you heard someone, and chased a shadowy figure with zizzy, you arrive at a mall, you do what?
  12. the figure is georgey, you and zizzy take him to the safe place, and pony got the helicopter signal, you arrive at the outpost, do what?
  13. george followed you and zizzy and pony, and accidentally led a group of monsters at sight, zizzy tells you to go with george and find mr.potatohead.
  14. MR.POTATOHEAD TRIES TO STOP YOU!!!!!!! you manage to calm him down, then he explains everything, and now you, zizzy, pony, and george are finding the cure!!!!! the end
  15. bye

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