Personality Quiz

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In this quiz you will find out what kind of person you are. If you are unhappy with your results, relax!(pls dont give me bad review im only fourth grader) Just retake the quiz!

Now random words to fill all the characters: The cow went to the movies the dog went to the playground The cat went to the scratching post for comfort NOW ON WITH THE QUIZ!!!!!!!

Created by: Rory
  1. Someone falls and you are the closest one. You...
  2. Favorite animal? (this does nothing to your score just a question)
  3. There is a new student who sits next to you. They try to talk to you and you...
  4. It is after school and you have 2 hours to do whatever you want. You...
  5. Hair color?(also does nothing to score just question)
  6. Pick one
  7. Pick one(again)
  8. Gender?(just another random question)
  9. Will you give this quiz a good rating?
  10. Do you like this quiz?

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