Oh, hey there..

Hey there, I'm Hikage Neko, and I am Tsuki Neko and Kuro Neko's older brother. I just wanted to make a quiz to introduce myself and to say hello.

How are you all, today..? Good? Bad? Meh..I may not be as energetic as Tsuki or as friendly as Kuro, but isn't fierceness and strength good enough?

Created by: Hikage Neko
  1. I'm Hikage Neko, and I am Tsuki Neko and Kuro Neko's older brother. Nice you meet you all..
  2. *looks at blushing girl* Hey there--girl..
  3. Kuro: Hi, this is Kuro Neko. What's up?
  4. Tsuki: *pokes computer screen* Is this on? Am I talking to the world? ...EH!?
  5. *shuffles feet and flicks cat ears* Yeah, that's probably about it. I just wanted to make a quiz..*shrugs*

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