no point in doing this quiz

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This is the most pointless quiz that you will ever ever ever take and I know I'm just copying other people and but I'm really not I just got this idea because I see other people always making these pointless quizzes and I like it

And I want to make all of these and they are so much fun if you see my other quiz if you want to see my other quiz which I only have one other quiz the quiz is can you outsmart Me by Amy it's in the newest quiz category

Created by: Amy
  1. Press one
  2. Press another one
  3. I love you
  4. Press one but be careful there is one that will make you lose or whatevs just press the one I'll make you lose I don't really care
  5. Most ridiculous thing ever I mean what is the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen
  6. Blah blah blah blah boogie boogie boogie man
  7. Okay I don't have an idea for a question so I'm just going to tell you you should totally see the scary movies Halloween and Boogeyman do not see The Conjuring it will make you denomic it'll make you get possessed or so I've heard
  8. Are you cute or creepy
  9. Can I marry you
  10. The next question is the end question I hope you have hated this quiz
  11. Excited for your answer I sure am not

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