Nekopara Character Quiz!

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Nekopara is a series of adult visual novels developed by Neko Works and published by Sekai Project. The first game in the series, Nekopara Vol. 1, was released on December 30, 2014. The series is set in a world where humans live alongside catgirls, known as "Nekos"

Do you like Nekopara? This is the quiz for you! See how much you know about the characters of the Nekopara series. What are you waiting for? Good luck! ^-^

Created by: Parista
  1. What color is Chocola’s hair?
  2. Which character has purple hair?
  3. True or False? Coconut is the eldest.
  4. Which character is the shortest?
  5. Which character is the youngest?
  6. True or False? Coconut has two different eye colors
  7. True or False? Vanilla has yellow/brown eyes
  8. True or False? Maple is nineteen years old
  9. How old is Cinnamon?
  10. True or False? Nekopara is awesome!

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