NBA all-star quiz

Na svetu je veliko pametnih ljudi. Ampak malo je genijev in ti si eden izmed njih, ki veliko v o sportu/There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. Are a genius at knowing sports?

Ali si genij ali samo pameten to bos lahko izvedel sedajle. Are you a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!"

Created by: Davor of NBA videos blog
(your link here more info)
  1. Kateri dres je imel na sebi Geradl Green ko je zmagal na Slam dunk contestu 2007/Which jersey did Gerald Green wear, when he won the Dunk contest 2007?
  2. Katerega nekdanjega zmagovalca Dunk contesta je presko�il Nate Robinson na Dunk contestu 2006/Over which former Dunk contest winer did Nate Robinson jump?
  3. Kdo je zmagal na 3-point shootoutu leta 2003/Who won the 3-point shootout 2003?
  4. Kaksen je bil rezultat NBA all-star tekme 2007/What was the result of the 2007 NBA all-star game?
  5. Kdo ima najboljsi rezultat finalne serije v 3-point shootoutu/Who has the best result of the final round in the 3-point shootout?
  6. Kdo je najmanjsi zamagovalec Slam dunk contesta/Who is the smallest winer of the Dunk contest?
  7. Kdo je prvi neamerican, ki je zmagal na 3-point shootoutu/Who was the first to win the 3-pointshootout, but not american?
  8. Kdo je bil MVP na all-star tekmi leta 2001/Who was the MVP in the 2001 all-star game?
  9. Katera ekipa je zmagala ne Shooting starsu leta 2005/Which team won the Shooting stars in 2005?
  10. Kdo je bil zmagovalec spretnostnih iger na all-staru leta 2003/Who was the winner in the NBA Skills challenge 2003?

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