Naruto,si prietenii sai

Este un quiz despre Naruto,usor /Sakura is the only child of Mebuki and Kizashi Haruno. She had an ordinary childhood, raised by her parents without any serious tragedy or complications. When she entered Konoha's Academy, a few of the girls in her class started picking on her because of her broad forehead. Sakura tried to combat their teasing by hiding her forehead with her bangs, but this proved to the other girls that it bothered her and caused them to tease her even more. Ino Yamanaka, one of her classmates, saw this, defended Sakura from her bullies, and encouraged her to embrace her forehead rather than hide it.

Chiar foarte Eazy/Sakura is the only child of Mebuki and Kizashi Haruno. She had an ordinary childhood, raised by her parents without any serious tragedy or complications. When she entered Konoha's Academy, a few of the girls in her class started picking on her because of her broad forehead. Sakura tried to combat their teasing by hiding her forehead with her bangs, but this proved to the other girls that it bothered her and caused them to tease her even more. Ino Yamanaka, one of her classmates, saw this, defended Sakura from her bullies, and encouraged her to embrace her forehead rather than hide it.

Created by: Darius
  1. Kakuzu sau Hidan
  2. Cine este tatal lui Naruto
  3. Cine este Uchiha Madara
  4. Care sunt cei 3 Sanini
  5. Cine este primul adversar la care Naruto a trebuit sa foloseasca Sage Mode
  6. Ce Bestie cu Cozi are Naruto in el
  7. Cati membri din organizatia Akatsuki sunt?
  8. Ca alegere a facut Itachi Uchiha?
  9. Din ce clan este Kakashi?
  10. Care este stiul de chakra al clanului Uchiha

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