Naruto Character Quiz!

Have you ever wanted to know what super cool, ultra edgy ninja you are from the Naruto franchise? Probably not, but now you can! Complete with terrible questions, the creator being salty, and good times for all!

There are nine different characters from Naruto that you can match with. Good luck!

Created by: Charlotte Elaine
  1. When You Get Home and You Have Homework, What Do You Do?
  2. Sweet or Salty?
  3. What is Your Type?
  4. Most Friends Describe You As...?
  5. What is Your Favorite Color?
  6. Your Best friend Calls You Up Crying, Their Bf/Gf Broke Up With Them. Wyd?
  7. You're Trapped on a Dessert Island, What are You Gonna Bring With You?
  8. Choose a Flavor of Mountain Dew
  9. What Do You Strive to be in Life?
  10. Yes or No?

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