My Chemical Romance Boyfriend Quiz!!

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Hi people! I'm here to answer the age old question I've been askin myself since 2017! Which MCR boy am I fit for? I couldn't find any quizzes I liked so I made my own! Please like it...🥺

Keep in mind this quiz is just for fun. It isn't made to offend people, and the guys already have lovely, beautiful wives. This isn't made to offend them. Still, it's nice to dream!

Created by: Destroya Never Dies
  1. I'll ask this question first just to be simple, which man do you want?
  2. If you were to play an instrument in a band, what would you play?
  3. Pick one that speaks to you...
  4. If you were to dye your hair, what would you do?
  5. What's hot on a guy to you?
  6. I have to ask, whats yo fav MCR song?
  7. What's your personality?
  8. Roleplay time!: he wants to take you on a date! Where would he take you?
  9. How would you guys be in bed?
  10. Let's say a song was playing in the background when you guys first met. What song would that be?
  11. if you were jealous of one of these people who would you be jealous of?
  12. I must ask again, who do you want?

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