MLP Next Genoration

Hey I just made a MLP next gen quiz it is so sad MLP is ending but how about we get the next gen started we need more love for the show no one said we can't switch it up.

Hey I jest. Anyways I hope you like this MLP quiz. Have fun.

Created by: merritt
  1. Are you a alicorn, pegases, unicorn or earth pony?
  2. Who would be your mother in MLP?
  3. What would be your cutie mark?
  4. What color hair do you have?
  5. What is your coat color?
  6. Are you evil
  7. What is your favorite hobby?
  8. Ahhhh omg you just failed all your classes instead of passing what do you do.
  9. Which villan is your favorite in MLP?
  10. Are you ready for you answers?

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