mlp next genoration

are you a alicorn ,unicorn,pegasis or earth pony find out with this simple quiz lalaalalalalalalala but you guys are cute so be careful and stay cute ok

i made these easy but i can make your quiz my sister is going to take this quiz it is going to be fun but i will trick her okay but be quite so shush ok

Created by: merritt
  1. are you a alicorn or not
  2. if you are a alicorn which princess would be your mother
  3. how did your mother earn her wings
  4. if you were not alicorns which type of pony is your mother
  5. if you got hurt who would come to your rescue
  6. you got attacked by king sombre would you ...
  7. ahhh you failed all your classes at the magic school of friendship what do you do
  8. what color hair do you have (part 1)
  9. what color hair do you have (part 2)
  10. what color are you

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