Math quiz because I'm bored lol

Math quiz cuz I'm bored. No calculators for the mental math questions but you can use them for everything else. Math isn't everybody's thing so it doesn't matter if you don't do well

This covers mental maths, basic (linear and quadratic equations) and complex (fraction and logarithm equations) algebra and basic trigonometry (right angle triangle trigonometry)

Created by: Mathguy
  1. 6-5
  2. 9 x 3
  3. 7/16 as a decimal
  4. 34 x 76
  5. 3x-6=4, x=?
  6. The triangle ABC has 3 anglesAngle ABC is 6 times the size of angle ACB. Angle BAC is 40 degrees. What is the size of angle ABC
  7. x²-5x+6=0, x=?
  8. Find the equation of the line that goes through the points (4, -3) and (9, 10)
  9. Solve 3/(x+7)=(3x-7)/(4x+6)
  10. log(2) (x)+log(5) (x)=7 , x=?

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