Loud House Quiz

Hello Loud-Crowd, Im Aden! I hope you like my quiz about the excellent Loud House! I really enjoyed making it and it was really fun! Thanks! And don't forget to practise!

I hope and you like my quiz! Go and enjoy it! To help sponser Loud House go and watch it right now! I specifically did it on Loud House because I love the show and I am a huge fan! Thanks!

Created by: Loud House Aden
  1. How old is Luan Loud?
  2. How old is Lynn Loud?
  3. In what episode do Lola and Lana become blue-bells?
  4. Who loves telling puns and jokes?
  5. Who does Lincoln change in Changing the baby?
  6. Who gets suspicious in Changing the baby when Lincoln starts hanging with Lily?
  7. Who was Lisa's new friend in Friend or faux?
  8. Who are Lincoln's parents?
  9. How old is Lisa Loud?
  10. What are all the Loud's middle name?

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