Lost in the woods. (part 1!)

Hello. I'm Cheeseball, Here to make a quiz/story. In this interactive story, you find yourself in the woods with someone. You try to survive, the results tell you if you survived or not!

if you get confused about your score, then tell me. Make sure to rate and comment Your Results! 😀 If you have problems, comment the problems. have fun and good luck!

Created by: CheeseballAlien
  1. You decide to take a hike in the most dangerous forest! Who do you being with you?
  2. You and whoever you brought find berries, you eat them without any of you knowing if they are poison. Your friend forgot their berry book
  3. You find a paper that's an empty test, your friend decides to do the test. (Break time!!!)
  4. Question 1: 2+2?
  5. What's the 2nd letter of the alphabet?
  6. You don't see any more questions of the test. It suddenly rains...
  7. It starts snowing..
  8. It stops snowing and spring comes, one night, the blue moon comes out and animals go savage.. What do you do?
  9. You and your friend are surrounded by 10 wolves, What do you do?
  10. You find a lake and you are all sweaty, frostbitten, and muddy. What do you do?
  11. You find an exit, what do you do??

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