LGBTQIA+ Quiz for them homosexuals

This is a quiz to see if you know much about the LGBTQIA+ community commonly known as the LGBTQ+ community. Please enjoy and don't hate on the community.

The questions in this quiz will mostly be about The community and what each category means in terms of gender or sexuality. Now enjoy this badly made quiz.

Created by: Talyn
  1. What does it mean if you are a Lesbian?
  2. What does it mean if you are Gay?
  3. What does it mean if you are Bisexual?
  4. What does it mean if you are Pansexual?
  5. Now on to gender! What Does it mean if you are Cisgender?
  6. What does it mean if you are Transgender
  7. What does it mean to be Non-Binary
  8. What is a queerling?
  9. Do people make stories with the community?
  10. Is Toy Bonnie from fnaf 2 Gay

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