Keeper of the Lost Cities Quiz

This is a % quiz. This is probably not very accurate, so don’t take this to seriously. It took me way to long, and I over thought it, so I’m sorry if something’s wrong.

If you enjoyed, that’s great! But don’t hesitate to tell me if something’s wrong so I can look into it. I enjoyed making this quiz, and I hope you enjoy it as well!

Created by: Bookbird19
  1. What is the next book coming out? (As of 2019)
  2. How many times is Dex on a cover?
  3. How many abilities does Sophie have?
  4. Who is the baby boy alicorn?
  5. What’s Sophie’s favorite sweet in the Lost Cities?
  6. Who is Sophie’s enemy at Foxfire
  7. What is Sophie’s favorite color?
  8. Who gave Biana all the scars on her back?
  9. When Edaline and Grady declined Sophie’s adoption, who volunteered to adopt her?
  10. What animal does Shannon Messenger have an “embarrassing number “ of?

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