Keeper Of The Lost Cities Ability Detecting

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This quiz is required for Talentless Foxfire Students. Please fill out this form and show it to Dame Alina or the Beacon of your tower. It will show your aptitude for the various talents.

In this quiz you can be a Telepath, Vanisher, Empath, Polygot, Inflictor, Mesmer, Hydrokenetic, Shade, or Conjurer. Please use your abilities wisely... or the Council might be after you!

Created by: King Pen
  1. How do you feel about water?
  2. What’s your favorite place?
  3. Do you like your friends to be
  4. Who is your favorite character?
  5. Who is your ship?
  6. Would you rather
  7. Light Or Darkness
  8. Would you use your ability
  9. If school was royalty you would be
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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