Is Hermione Granger Your Friend?

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Is Hermione your best friend or worst enemy??? Does she like you or does she hate you??? Take this quiz to find out!!! P. S This is my first quiz so don't judge me.

We hope you enjoy the quiz. We apologise if it isn't that good or if you didn't get a good result. (Also sorry if there's some spec mistakes.) Have fun!!!

Created by: Mabel and Nyika
  1. What do you like to do with your spare time? (If you were at Hogwarts)
  2. What house are you in?
  3. What hybrid house are you in?
  4. What Pet would you have?
  5. What would you do if you had a test tomorrow?
  6. You're friend asked you to do something dangerous (11:30pm) you say:
  7. What's your favourite colour ?
  8. If you saw someone cheating in a test, what would you do?
  9. What is your favourite breakfast?
  10. Do you like Hermione?

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Quiz topic: Is Hermione Granger my Friend?
