I can tell u how ur crush looks. (Boys only, sorry girls)

C'mon dudes, we all have that experience:I was sitting, talking to my friend when she gracefully entered the room. Although I was born many years ago, I felt that my heart has officially started beating.

Made with love by me, Marc and my sister, Dorothy, this quiz can guess how your crush looks like!Good luck with the quiz.And good luck with your love life too :D-Marc and Dorothy

Created by: Marc Williams
  1. What color is her hair?
  2. Is she...um...fat?Pls don't kill me
  3. Glasses?
  4. Does she have a beautiful smile?That makes you smile too*raises eyebrows up and down*
  5. How does she keep her hair?
  6. Do you both look good together?
  7. I ran out of questions...
  8. Oh yes, another one came to my mind. Ah.What was your reaction of the first time you laid your eyes upon that girl?
  9. Random one: No effectHow do ya know her?
  10. Did you guys have an.....awkward....experience before?
  11. Rate?

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