I bet I can guess your (natural) hair color.

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Hi! So I was kinda bored and decided make this quiz. I bet I can guess your hair color. So I couldn't find much information to make a good quiz, but I tried my best.

That being said, it might not be accurate so.. don't judge me. Also, as the title says this is your natural color. I hope I can guess it right. Tell me if I did!!

Created by: Lauren Smith
  1. What describes you best?
  2. What climate do you live in?
  3. How much are you in the sun?
  4. When where you born?
  5. What color is your mom's nature hair color?
  6. What color is your Dad's nature hair color?
  7. How old are you?
  8. What colors look best on you?
  9. What sport do you like the most? (Of these)
  10. Do you think I will guess correctly?

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Quiz topic: I bet I can guess my (natural) hair color.
