This quiz is prepared for the students of class 8. Also useful for all competitive exams. History is about finding out how things were in the past and how things have changed. Earlier, History was synonymous with dates. CBSE Class 8 History notes for Chapter 1 – How, When and Where is all about dates and how important dates are when it comes to studying History. It gives students a brief idea about earlier History and how they used to specify dates according to their respective events.
All questions are compulsory. Historians were fascinated with dates. History is about changes that occur over time, finding out how things were in the past and how things have changed. History was an account of battles and big events. It was about rulers and their policies. Historians wrote about the year a king was crowned, the year he married, the year he had a child, the year he fought a particular war, the year he died, and the year the next ruler succeeded to the throne. For events such as these, specific dates can be determined.