How well will you survive the end of the world?

How will you survive the end of the world? Take this quiz to find out. Will you survive? I am rooting for you. P.s: The first answers give the best scores.

Facts about ShadowStar553: 1.Has a pet golden retriever.2. Likes McDonald's and Taco Bell.(Who doesn't?) 3. Can be found on Roblox. (username: TheItGirl432)

Created by: ShadowStar553
  1. If the ground started shaking and cracked open, what would you do?
  2. If somebody told you that everyone on earth was going to die in 5 minutes, what would you do?
  3. If your friend shoved you into the lion exhibit at the zoo and said, this is the end of your world, what would you say back?
  4. What is your boyfriend/girlfriend like?
  5. If a giant alien ship busted out of the sky, what would you do?
  6. What is your gender?
  7. What kind of personality does your bff have?
  8. What would be your first thought if monsters started popping up everywhere?
  9. If you came face to face with a zombie, what would you do?
  10. What would you do if your best friend that you didn't exist, you were just a figment of everyone's imagination?

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Quiz topic: How well will I survive the end of the world?
