How well u know rakim y ken-y

There are many people that think they know Rakim y Ken-y as much as I do!!But there are a lot that don't know nothing about them!But if you do know something about them congatulations and take it and see how you do!!

Do you think you know Rakim y Ken-y as much as I know them?????Do you think you have what it takes to know someone as much as I know them??Well if you think so all I have to sayis:!!TAKE IT you have nothing to lose!!Or do you really??

Created by: Linda
  1. What is the song name of the lyrics: en la misma casa en el mismo cuarto en la misma cama...?
  2. What is Ken-y's real name?
  3. When was Ken-y born?
  4. Where was Rakim born?
  5. What is Rakim's real name?
  6. Where did Ken-y work before becoming famous?
  7. What had happened to Ken-y the day they were filming the video Down?
  8. How many kids does Rakim have?
  9. How many kids does Ken-y have
  10. What is the song name of the lyrics: has que se me olvide su nombre has que de mi mente la borre...?
  11. Who does Rakim y Ken-y sing Pasado with?
  12. Who does Ken-y sing Dime with?
  13. Which song was their BIGGEST hit?
  14. Who did Rakim y Ken-y sing Down the Remix with (the first and second remix)
  15. Which person(s) singed Dime the english version?
  16. Who did Rakim Y Ken-y sing Me Matas the remix?

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