How well do you really know Heroes of Olympus?

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Do you really know Heroes of Olympus? Take this quiz to find out. Please don't hate but feedback is appreciated. Just a simple quiz to see if you really know Heroes of Olympus

Credits to the amazing Rick Riordan who wrote Heroes of Olympus, and to the Artist who drew the art on the cover page. I hope you enjoy and get the answer you want!

Created by: Nico13
  1. Which one of the following characters is vegetarian.
  2. Which of the following characters is lactose intolerant.
  3. How many demigods go on the quest .
  4. What relationship is not real
  5. Who built the Argo?
  6. Jason and Leo are the two demigods who lost their memory. True or false.
  7. Who is Jason sister?
  8. Who was Nico in love with.
  9. Who of the following did Reyna not love.
  10. What is the name of Percy blade?
  11. What is the colour of the T-shirts at camp jupiter
  12. Who of the following characters is Cherokee.
  13. What is percy favorite colour?

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Quiz topic: How well do I really know Heroes of Olympus?
