How well do you know your friend?

This is a quiz to see how much you know your friend. This is useful for killing time and is a fun activity to try with your friends! There’s two sections, physical features, and other things (like preferences).

There’s only ten questions, so it won’t take very long either. Also, some questions are worth more points than others (particularly the harder ones), so if you know those, that will really help your score!

Created by: Anonymous
  1. Part 1: Physical Features: Do you know your friend’s eye color?
  2. Do you know their hair color?
  3. Do you know their approximate height?
  4. Do you know their shoe size?
  5. Do you know their belly button type (innie or outie)?
  6. Part 2: Other things: Do you know your friend’s favorite food?
  7. Do you know something that they would be embarrassed about if other people knew?
  8. Do you know at least one of their hobbies?
  9. Do you know their birthdate?
  10. Do you know their favorite color?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my friend?
