How well do you know Warrior Cats Into the Wild?

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Welcome to my quiz! here you will be quizzed on the Book, Warrior cats into the Wild. If you have not read the book then you should not be here. You should be reading the book.

OK, now that we are all caught up lets begin. This quiz starts out with some of the basics, then it gets harder as you go on. and there are a couple sneak peek questions on Warrior cats Fire and Ice at the bottom!

Created by: Warrior Cats Quizzer
  1. What is the main character's name in the beginning?
  2. What is the main character's name when he joins the clan?
  3. What is the main character's name in the end?
  4. Who is Ravenpaw?
  5. Who does Firepaw think killed Redtail towards the end?
  6. Who leaves the clan?
  7. Who joins the ThunderClan but they dont trust?
  8. Which deputy dies?
  9. How many clans are there In ALL throughout time?
  10. Which clan isn't or wasn't a clan.
  11. SNEAK PEAK OF FIRE AND ICE: Who saved WindClan?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Warrior Cats Into the Wild?
