How well do you know these Grange Hill characters?

This quiz is about Grange Hill, the show about a London high-school. It has thirty-one series'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm only on series twelve, myself. There are thirteen on Britbox at the moment. THat's what I watch it on. It's also on ITVX.

I'm obsessed with Grange Hill, it's my favourite TV show ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favourite character is Gordon 'Jonah' Jones, what's yours?

Created by: Florence
  1. Who is Gordon 'Jonah' Jones' cousin?
  2. Who is Samuel 'Zammo' McGuire's girlfriend's brother?
  3. Who said this: "Oh, well, you can't have everything in this life!"
  4. Who are siblings?
  5. What is the name of the French exchange student that goes out with Fay Lucas?
  6. What is the name of the abusive P.E teacher?
  7. What is the name of the episode where the first years go to Chessington Zoo?
  8. What form is Peter 'Tucker' Jenkins in?
  9. What are the names of the dogs that Trisha Yates uses in the school revue?
  10. True or False: Maurice Bronson wears a wig?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know these Grange Hill characters?
