How well do you know the trap house

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This quiz is how well you know the trap house have fun and don't give up whatever happens, make sure to give this quiz a like on your way out so you can have more like this

no cheating and go from the heart or the brain Make sure to go check out other peoples trap house quizzes and if this is your first time hearing of them check them out on all social medias.

Created by: honey
  1. How old is Colby brock in 2021
  2. how many songs did boys for hire make
  3. Who Is Sam golbach's girlfriend in 2021
  4. How many Houses has the Trap house lived in
  5. finish the lyric:You make my heart go.....
  6. Finish the lyric Sam I gotta hand it to you that was not half bad
  7. Jake's last name is
  8. Corey Scherer is currently______ in 2021
  9. Which is the correct YouTube name
  10. the trap house boys are

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the trap house
