how well do you know the sun and moon show?

welcome to the sun and moon show quiz! let us find out how well you know about the sun and moon show! and if your are an amazing fan of there videos!!

how well will you be able to answer these questions? so let us find out how well you know about the sun and moon show let us begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: the lolbit show
  1. who is evil
  2. what did eclipse do?
  3. who is sun and moon's sister
  4. who did sun go to for help against eclipse?
  5. who is the adorable bean?
  6. who is your favourite character?
  7. who deserves death
  8. who is the better eclipse for lunar
  9. what is bloodmoon's favourite food?
  10. how did blood moon die

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the sun and moon show?
