How well do you know the Sarah Jane Adventures? (Series 1)

In this out-of-this-world quiz, we will see how well you know Series 1 of The Sarah Jane Adventures! Are you up to the test? Well, let's find out!!!!!!!!!!

The episodes you will be tested on are Invasion of the Bane, Revenge of the Slitheen, Eye of the Gorgon, Warriors of Kudlak, Whatever Happened To Sarah Jane Smith and The Lost Boy

Created by: Sci-Fi-Mad
  1. What is the name of the drink containing Bane in 'Invasion of the Bane'?
  2. What is the name of the science teacher who is killed by the Slitheen in 'Revenge of the Slitheen'?
  3. What is the name given to The Gorgon by the Nuns in 'Eye of the Gorgon'?
  4. What are the names of the 2 proprietors of Combat 3000?
  5. What really happened to Andrea Yates in 'Whatever Happened To Sarah Jane Smith'?
  6. What was the name of the child genius in 'The Lost Boy'
  7. According to Kelsey, what percent of people does the drink not work on?
  8. Why does vinegar harm the Slitheen?
  9. What colour is the stone in the middle of the Talisman in 'Eye of the Gorgon'?
  10. What colour is Kudlak's Coat?
  11. How many people are forgotten in 'Whatever Happened To Sarah Jane Smith'?
  12. Where did Alan find the computer virus they used against Mr Smith in 'The Lost Boy'?
  13. Where does Sarah Jane say she had heard the name Wormwood before, in 'The Invasion of the Bane'?
  14. What 2 things does Slitheen Mr Blakeman state human children smell of?
  15. What homework is Maria doing when Chrissie goes to see her in her room in 'Eye of the Gorgon', before their argument?
  16. What is the Tagline for Combat 3000
  17. What is the date Maria goes back to in 'Whatever Happened To Sarah Jane Smith'?
  18. What animal does Luke have on his T-Shirt when he goes to 'his parent's' house in 'The Lost Boy'?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Sarah Jane Adventures? (Series 1)
