How well do you know the amazing Lightfury?

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Have you ever wanted to test your knowledge of the illusive Lightfury of the how to train your dragon fandom? Well I have made a quiz all about the light fury to see

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Created by: LunaTheLightFury
  1. What is the lightfury (in the movie)’s name?
  2. How many dragonets dose she have and what are their names and genders?
  3. Are lightfury’s and Nightfury’s different species?
  4. Are lightfury’s almost extinct like Nightfury’s?
  5. Dose the Lightfury have a rider?
  6. What kinda fire dose the Lightfury have?
  7. Where dose the Lightfury live?
  8. What is the movie Lightfury’s personality?
  9. Who is more powerful; the Lightfury or Toothless
  10. What colour is the Lightfury?
  11. What class is the Lightfury?
  12. What is the Lightfury’s known special ability?
  13. How many head nubs/ears do Lightfurys have?
  14. Are there male lightfury’s?
  15. Who is the lightfury’s mate?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the amazing Lightfury?
