How well do you know SofiaSweetFairy? (aka me)

If you don’t know my podcast, YouTube Chanel or socials then you probably can’t answer these question but Yeahh .Wanna see how well you know me aka SofiaSweetFairy or Sofía Lazzari ? Take this quiz then !

Some times all I think about is you . Late nights in the middle of June . Heat waves been faking me out . Can’t make you happier now . *Song Beat Sounds*

Created by: SofiaSweetFairy
  1. What year was SofiaSweetFairy born in ?
  2. What is SofiaSweetFairy’s real name ?
  3. How many languages can SofiaSweetFairy speak ?
  4. Where does SofiaSweetFairy come from ?
  5. When is it SofiaSweetFairy’s birthday?
  6. Who was SofiaSweetFairy’s first Anime crush ?
  7. What was the first anime series SofiaSweetFairy ever watched ?
  8. What is SofiaSweetFairy’s favorite anime ?
  9. How many siblings does SofiaSweetFairy have ?
  10. Is SofiaSweetFairy gay ?
  11. Does SofiaSweetFairy accept friend requests on Roblox ?
  12. What is SofiaSweetFairy’s Roblox username?
  13. Does SofiaSweetFairy like stranger things ?
  14. Is SofiaSweetFairy a simp
  15. At what age did SofiaSweetFairy post her first video on YouTube?
  16. Who was SofiaSweetFairy’s FIRST EVER podcast BFF ?
  17. Is SofiaSweetFairy older than her brother or younger ?
  18. What is SofiaSweetFairy’s favorite food ?
  19. Does SofiaSweetFairy like watching Shiloh and Bros ?
  20. In what country does SofiaSweetFairy live ?
  21. What was SofiaSweetFairy’s first podcast called ?
  22. What do SofiaSweetFairy’s fans call her
  23. Does SofiaSweetFairy have TikTok ?
  24. Who does SofiaSweetFairy have a crush on in Demon Slayer ?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know SofiaSweetFairy? (aka me)
