How Well Do You Know Silver the Hedgehog?

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"Silver: IT'S NO USE!" Me/K: Quoted, UwU! Anyway, there IS a use for making this quiz! This is a quiz to see how much you know about Silver the Hedgehog!

Me/K: I didn't really cover much from the comics (Since most people don't really read them and I am probably the only one) but ANYWAY! Hope you ENJOY!!!

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: First off, in what year did Silver come?
  2. Me/K: How old is Silver?
  3. Me/K: Silver's from...
  4. Me/K: What does Silver do a lot?
  5. Me/K: What is his power called?
  6. Me/K: Why was Silver trying to find Sonic in Sonic2006?
  7. Me/K: Who is Silver voiced by?
  8. Me/K: What was Silver ORIGINALLY supposed to be (I'm happy with who he is now, :>)
  9. Me/K: What is Silver the Hedgehog afraid of?
  10. True or False: Blaze calls Silver Naive
  11. True or False: Eggman is Silver's BIGGEST enemy
  12. Me/K: In Sonic Team Racing, what did Silver tell Blaze in Story Mode? (Is you haven't played the game, play it, I recommend, you can play with others online or at home)
  13. Me/K: Who else is Silver's second close friend other than Blaze?
  14. True or False: Silver was sacrificed in Sonic2006.
  15. True or False: Silver is his real name
  16. True or False: He has a Super Form
  17. Me/K: How many years in the future does he come from?
  18. Me/K: What was Silver's ORIGINAL design's character name?
  19. Me/K: What is Silver's theme song? (I like 'em all, SEGA is great with the music)
  20. Me/K: Lasty, True or False: Silver is AWESOME!

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Silver the Hedgehog?
