How Well Do You Know Remus Lupin?

Hello there people!! I am lawreadaholic! I want to see how much you know about Remus Lupin! There is 12 questions and I want you to get them all right O.K!

Do You have everything it takes to do this quiz. Are YOU a genius and know EVERYTHING about Remus Lupin in this quiz? Well, we'll see soon! All righty, lets get on with the quiz ...

Created by: lawreadaholic
  1. What colour is Remus's hair?
  2. What or who is he?
  3. What spell does he teach Harry?
  4. What is his nickname?
  5. Who were his best friends at school?
  6. What is his Boggart?
  7. Who does he love?
  8. How old is he when James dangles Snape in the air by his ankle?
  9. What does he like doing?
  10. And last of all (the hardest), what did he do when Mr & Mrs Weasley came in the hospital Wing?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Remus Lupin?