How well do you know PotDS?

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Have you ever wondered, how much do you think u know from my au? Well, you are in luck! Considering this is your chance to! Now with this quiz, you can try and figure out if you can read my mind

This is just for fun, please do not be offended if you got some things wrong, you might not know! It's all just some fairy tales and such, not too special. Enjoy!

Created by: Kat
  1. Who is the first main character we are introduced to?
  2. Who blinded CorruptedKit in one eye?
  3. Who did NettleWillow kill by accident?
  4. What did CoalStar tell BeeCatcher when she was dreaming?
  5. What did Dawn kit (Paw) want to become when he was recruited to PineClan?
  6. What did CheetahFang do to OnePaw?
  7. Why did the Sky River become red?
  8. Who was RubyHeart?
  9. What clan uses the "Thunder Spin" and the "Flip Tree" move?
  10. What is the full name of PotDS?
  11. Final question, and hardest question. Who is BoneStars mate?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know PotDS?
