How well do you Know One Direction?

Are you a true One Direction fan? Take this quiz to find out and prove it! Have fun and remember to share and retake, You are loved and worthy! dont forget that!

There are some easy questions and some hard ones! So prove you love one direction by scoring a 75% or up on this quiz!! (You have to have 150 words to publish this lol)

Created by: Karli
  1. Let's start off easy, When was One Direction formed?
  2. Another easy one, Where was One Direction formed?
  3. What was One Direction's first single?
  4. Okay, a bit harder, Who came up with the name One Direction?
  5. Which one of these is not related to One Direction?
  6. Zayn Malik's real name is?
  7. Okay now let's move to some harder ones, Name the albums in order.
  8. Why was Liam in the hospital constantly growing up?
  9. Who wrote Little things?
  10. Okay let's move on to Family Life, Where was Louis Born?
  11. Where was Liam Born?
  12. Where was Zayn born?
  13. Where was Niall born?
  14. And Lastly, Where was Harry born?
  15. Everyone in the band has at least one sister, Expect?
  16. Which three members have kids? (As of 2022)
  17. Who was engaged to Perrie Edwards?
  18. Who dated Gigi Haid?
  19. Okay, let's move on to the Final and hardest section! Good luck! Where Did Louis and Harry meet?
  20. Where did Liam and Zayn meet?
  21. Where did Niall and Harry meet?
  22. Who went to acting school growing up?
  23. Final Question! Who was attacked by a goat at the age of ten?

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Quiz topic: How well do I Know One Direction?
