How Well Do You Know Me? (you don't lol)

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How well do you know me? Okay I am just using a sentence generator to get to 150 lol. The old woman seemed to fall down at any second. That’s what many people in the Department of Energy do.

I peered into the fishbowl of the group exercise room. Bera has said he takes full responsibility for the mishap. But instead of dying, Bella was transformed into a vampire.

Created by: RABIDWOLF
  1. What are my favorite types of colors?
  2. How old am I?
  3. What color is my hair?
  4. How many people are in my family?
  5. If I have a pet, what is their name?
  6. Am I a popular youtuber?
  7. Did I ever dye my hair?
  8. What are my favorite animals? (one of them is a wolf)
  9. Do I love animals and nature?
  10. What is my favorite game?
  11. LAST QUESTION! Is my neighbor my best friend?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Me? (you don't lol)
