How well do you know me?

How much do you think you know about me, and how much do you REALLY know about me? Though some things seem to be true, they may or may not actually be true.

Find out if you know enough about me to get an A on this quiz! Good luck, and do remember to have fun, as always! Please don't look through the forums for answers, though.

Created by: Pyrokit
  1. What country do I live in?
  2. Who's alt am I?
  3. What is my favorite color?
  4. What is my favorite animal?
  5. What is my favorite book series?
  6. What is my favorite Wings of Fire tribe?
  7. What is my favorite Warrior Cats clan/group?
  8. What is my Harry Potter house?
  9. How many books are in the Warriors series, and do I have them all?
  10. Is Pyrokit going to wake you up tonight?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?

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