How well do you know me?

This is a quiz to see how well you know me so far. I mean it doesn't matter how high you score. You are still my best of friend. I mean I'm best friends with a lot of people and I don't even know their last name sometimes. So its all cool.

Do you know me well enough? Have we been spending enough time together? Should we try looking on our friendship? By taking this quiz you will have an idea.

Created by: Jennifer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is one of my nicknames?
  2. Where was I born?
  3. What do I love the most in life?
  4. What do I hate the most?
  5. What type of guys do I like (ethnicity)?
  6. What is my favorite male artist?
  7. Where did I go during my 2006 summer vacation?
  8. Where did I go during my 2006 winter vacation?
  9. Am I a morning person?
  10. What is my favorite my place to shop in the mall?
  11. What is the phase that I say the most?
  12. How tall am I really?
  13. What is my favorite ice cream topping that goes with french vanilla ice cream?
  14. Do I have any siblings?
  15. What is my last name?
  16. Why do I want to go Europe?
  17. What is my favorite transporation when it comes to traveling?
  18. What tv show is my favorite one right now?
  19. In what neighborhood do I live in?
  20. What subject do I hate the most right now?
  21. What do I like to do on the weekends?
  22. Who do I dislike and think is way annoying?
  23. What is my favorite kind of drink?
  24. What is my favorite color?
  25. What color are my eyes?
  26. What are my favorite types of movies?
  27. What is my favorite season of the year?
  28. What is my favorite kind of food(from a country)?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?