How well do you know me?

A lot of you may claim to actually know me, but how well do you actually? Take this quiz, and hopefully youll find out more than you did to start with...

Sigh, why do they have two paragraphs? im just going to say.. if you get a high score, yay, if not.. maybe try to talk to me more? ..^..*..^..*..^..*..^ lol :D

Created by: becca lynn
  1. What age am I?
  2. When is my birthday?
  3. What is my favorite color?
  4. Who do i love?
  5. What is my favorite animal?
  6. Who is my best friends name?
  7. How many of my friends are LGBT?
  8. What is my middle name??
  9. what is my #1 issue right now?
  10. What class do i love?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?