How Well Do You Know Kelli Maple?

KELLI MAPLE - how well do you think you truly know this magnificent toy girl? I truly learned a little more about her making this quiz. Hope you do too.

Are YOU A TRUE KELLI FAN ??? If you are wondering yes it's Kelli Maple I'm talking about. Well lets test your knowledge with this Kelli maple quiz *****yay?

Created by: jayde
  1. How old is Kelli?
  2. What is Kelli's brothers name?
  3. Is Kelli a girl?
  4. What are Kelli's pets?
  5. What will you find on the youtube chanel Kelli maple?
  6. What is kelis personality?
  7. What month was Kelli's birthday?
  8. Is Kelli on youtube?
  9. Is Kelli popular?
  10. Does Kelli have friends?

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