How Well do YOU Know Hatsune Miku?

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So.. do you know a lot about Hatsune Miku? The famous Vocaloid we know and love? Have you just known about her and yet know everything, or have been there from the start, or years ago? Well, this quiz can prove just that!

Just with 11 short questions, you are able to prove if you are, what I like to call, a Mikaboo! Do you think you can pass the entire quiz with no mistakes, if you are worthy? Let's find out! Good luck!

Created by: Puffy
  1. What is Miku's biological age?
  2. When was the first voicebank of Miku released?
  3. What was the first OFFICIAL song Miku sang in? (Hint: it is not a demo song)
  4. What was Hatsune Miku Magical Mirai 2017's official theme song?
  5. Where was Miku made? (Read the question carefully!!)
  6. What is Miku's biological weight?
  7. What is Miku's biological height?
  8. What is Miku's favorite music genre(s)
  9. What Vocaloid is Miku?
  10. What is Miku's favorite food?
  11. What was Miku's first language?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Hatsune Miku?
