How well do you know Christmas movie trivia?

Hello, and thank you for choosing to take my test! It's to see how much you know about Christmas movies. Don't worry if you don't get high results, this is just for fun.

Why do we have to write 2 paragraphs?! It's so annoying that they can't publish it if you don't :( I only needed 1 for this quiz, so this one is filled up with rubbish haha!

Created by: Moonsparkle
  1. Who played Buddy in the movie Elf?
  2. How many Home Alone movies were made?
  3. Which rodent hid in the family's Christmas tree in the movie "Christmas Vacation"?
  4. Who played Marv, the character who did the best scream in the world, in Home Alone 1 and 2?
  5. Is Love Actually a Christmas film?
  6. True or false-Sterling Holloway did the voice-over for the Disney Christmas movies?
  7. How many Christmas specials (excluding movies) of "The Muppets" are there?
  8. Did you like the quiz?
  9. You lied there didn't you?
  10. Yes you did!

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Christmas movie trivia?
