How well do you know Biology? (For grade 7)

This quiz is about how well you happen to know biology. You might get a fair result because I double checked the questions and the answers before I published this quiz.

This is safe and there are easy and difficult questions. Try to be honest. Don't just look at the answers from a book and answer the questions. You gotta know if you are great! Maybe your great!! GOOD LUCK!!

Created by: Sithmi
  1. Where are the locations of the main parts in the human respiratory system?
  2. What is a part in the human body which belongs to the upper respiratory system?
  3. Are breathing and respiration same?
  4. Select a gas we inhale as a percent of 78%.
  5. Select a gas we exhale at a percent of 4%.
  6. What is main part of the respiratory system with the following function?- Thin tissue flap which closes the trachea at the time you swallow food or drink liquids in order to keep food away from your air pathway.
  7. Gas exchange happens inside ........... or inside the ........... of the human body.
  8. Select the thing filled in alveolar?
  9. What is the use of this adaptation?- There are large numbers of alveolar inside the lungs.
  10. .............. air is travelling into the alveolars.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Biology? (For grade 7)
