How well do you know Animal Jam

Try your luck at this quiz. It's pretty easy but I have made another harder one. Enjoy this one and check out my other quizzes. I hope you like and rate. Bye bye!!

Do you know Animal Jam? If so try this quiz. If not try this quiz. I hope you like this one and try my other ones. I hope you get 100%. Bye and thanks for picking mine!

Created by: PineapplezRule
  1. What is the name of the panda Alpha?
  2. Who are the bad guys in Adventures?
  3. What is the starter den called?
  4. What is the name of the wolf Alpha?
  5. What is the main currency called?
  6. Until 2015, what was the only flying animal?
  7. Where do you go if you want to play arcade games?
  8. What bug is on the Animal Jam logo?
  9. What is the emoji icon a picture of?
  10. How many icons are in the top left hand corner of the game page?
  11. What is Cosmo the Alpha of?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Animal Jam