How well do you know?

Hey, do you know me!? If your one of my really good friends and you want to out score the other, or you're just really bored right now and you happened to spot my page, then take my quiz! Find out how much you really know about me!

So, how well do you know me? Are you just an aquaintance, or my best friend!! Take my quiz! ^^ (no specific answers, just percentages) Please just take a couple minutes and you can see what you know!

Created by: Ashley

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats my real name?
  2. What grade am I in?
  3. What color are my eyes?
  4. Whats my favorite fruit?
  5. Whats my favorite anime?
  6. What anime character did I obsess over... back in the day?
  7. Whats my drawing style?
  8. What mode of DDR am I on?
  9. Am I religious?
  10. What kind of socks do I wear? (XD!!)
  11. Whose the love of my life?
  12. (LAST QUESTION!!) Whats my new favorite quote?!

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Quiz topic: How well do I know?